About Us

We provide customised coaching and mentoring services designed to help you achieve your goals, develop a growth mindset, and unlock your full potential to open new panoramas of possibilities.

Brett Golding

Accredited Results Coach

Brett Golding is an accredited Results Coach and is also internationally accredited by Mentors and Business Coaches International as a Mentor and Business Coach.

Brett Golding, business and leadership coaching, and mentoring at New Panoramas Coaching & Mentoring
At New Panoramas Coaching & Mentoring, we provide customised coaching and mentoring services designed to help you achieve your goals, develop a growth mindset, and unlock your full potential to open new panoramas of possibilities.

Whether you are an individual looking for personal coaching, or a business seeking professional development opportunities, we offer a range of coaching and mentoring services including business coaching, leadership coaching, executive coaching, mentoring, and life coaching.

Brett Golding is the Director of New Panoramas Coaching & Mentoring. He is passionate about helping people and businesses reach their potential. He has a wealth of experience himself, however as a coach he facilitates clients to make their own decisions.

Brett discovered how powerful effective coaching is when he was mentored by Mentors and Business Coaches International.

Since being trained and accredited as a Mentor and Coach by Mentors and Business Coaches International, he has facilitated leadership workshops, mentored and coached people facilitating them to discover their purpose and how to achieve that.

Committed to continuous improvement, Brett further expanded upon his skills as a Coach and Mentor by further training to become accreditated as a Results Coach.

Brett is also a Fellow of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand. He has worked with many different types of clients, including tradies, professionals, businesses, not for profits, executives and retirees.  He has developed and kept strong relationships.

People need a realistic understanding of where they are at now, a clear vision for their future and then a clear plan as to how to achieve that.  There may be “roadblocks” along the way and these need to be recognised and appropriate strategies implemented.

What to expect when we coach or mentor you

Our Vision

To be a business that impacts people and / or businesses for good, helping them to progress on the path of fulfilment of their dreams. We will be there to celebrate as they become the best and most successful that they can be.

Vision and mission, New Panoramas Coaching and Mentoring, Adelaide

Our Mission

For every client we:


Skilfully listen to them without judgement


Teach them tools to order their actions into manageable groups which build logically and do not overwhelm


Facilitate them to:


Identify what is their sustainable personal or competitive advantage


Clarify their goals and desired state of being


Identify the roadblocks to their success


Bring into alignment their goals, values and actions

Internationally accredited by Mentors and Business Coaches International as a Mentor and Business Coach

Visit the website at mbcint.com

Contact Us

New Panoramas Coaching offers personalised business, leadership and executive coaching, mentoring, and life coaching services to help you develop a growth mindset, set achievable goals, and achieve your full potential.

0421 445 370