Leadership coaching

Leadership and management are different although in smaller organisations people may have to fulfill both roles. Leaders and managers are both needed (even if they are one and the same person) and should respect what each does. Managers assist in attending to the...

The Difference Between Mentoring and Coaching

People often ask what the difference between a mentor and a coach is.  Frankly, both terms are commonly misunderstood. Even trained mentors and coaches have different views of the roles of mentors and coaches. Mentoring In my own formal training as a mentor, through...

The Johari Window – Self Awareness

The Johari Window was created in 1955 by Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham. It is used to help individuals better understand themselves and how they are perceived by others. The window consists of four panes: Open Area.        This is what we know about ourselves and is...

Leadership Styles

We all have our preferred leadership styles and may gravitate towards a particular style. Some people prefer not to delegate and to do it all themselves. However, that does limit what we can achieve. If we can work effectively in a team, then there are rewards to be...

Sustainable Personal or Competitive Advantage

Sustainable Competitive or Personal Advantage, be able to articulate yours. It is important to recognise what strengths we have, especially if they are better developed in us than in other people. We have our weaknesses also; however, we can build on our strengths but...

Prioritise actions and focus toward goal

There may be 50 or more actions required to achieve a goal but taking on that much may cripple people. Typically if people have 3 things to do then they do them. If they have 50 things to do they may do nothing. This video is about breaking actions down in to groups...